About Course Updates and Status
• Before or during registration, course schedule information may change. You will find those updates
in the Revised Course Information section.
• In addition, during Online Registration, some courses may sell out and others may be closed
for various reasons.
☉ If you've found a class in the online catalog
and it isn't listed in the online Course Selection page, the selection box won't be available.
Instead, the words “Sold Out” will be displayed next to the Course name.
☉ Classes that have been cancelled explicitly
will be removed and will no longer be listed in the online Course Selection page.
You will find such classes, if any, listed here under Closed or Cancelled Classes.
NOTE: A few of our most in-demand classes have TWO sessions this semester!
There are two Pickleball classes (Early and Late Risers), two Watercolor classes
(by two different instructors) and two Pottery classes (first 4 weeks and second 4 weeks).
To offer the best opportunity for everyone to participate, you will only be able to register for
one of the two available in each 2-session set.
Revised Course Information
Below is the list of courses where the course information has changed enough to be noted
☛ Carol Achtien has replaced Nicole Blatt as the leader of the “Pickleball - Early Risers” class that meets on Thursday, 8:00 to 9:00
☛ Charlie Walters has replaced Ken Mulder as the co-leader of the “Great Decisions” class that meets on Friday, 1:00 to 2:30
Closed or Cancelled Classes:
Here is the list of sold out and closed classes, as of January 13th.
☛ Second Level Quilting - Jackie Russel (Monday)
☛ Navigating Equity and Fixed Income Markets - Matt Ritter (Thursday)
☛ Humanitarian Projects - Juanita Harvin (Tuesday)
☛ Food Ingredients - Sharon Purvis (Tuesday)
☛ Jimmy Carter - Pam Smith (Wednesday)
☛ Canadian and Culture - Pat Moran (Friday)
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